Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Design Iteration

Deisgn Iteration is the process of repeating tasks and is common to all types of software engineering projects. You can get this definition from most any quality assurance or engineering text. What you also find in these texts for engineering is almost a complete lack of information defining the design iteration process. Also you do not get is tools focused on the design iteration process to fix this problem of repeating tasks.

There are examples of applications which have sought to address this in the manufacturing area are, AUTOCAD and PTC . These solutions are focused on the design process of widgets.

Software testing applications have tried to focus on the back end of the process, and only on controls primarily to measure the efficiency and not the accuracy of the design of the software. Solutions such as Rational Rose and Mercury Interactive now HP, Segue - now Borland. By the way none of them take a process centric view. Nor do they focus on the "CRM " of the design process. The analogy is CRM is the front end of a business. Or the sales side. Managing the sales process can lead to increased sales and higher margins. The CRM of the Design Process is the critical component of development which is ignored for a variety of reasons. We will explore these reasons both real and imagined in this blog.

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